Business On Purpose

To liberate business owners from the
chaos of working IN their business

To make time for what matters mostย 


What is the Business On Purpose Community?

The Business On Purpose Community exists in two spaces.

In Person, the Business On Purpose Community originated in the Lowcountry of South Carolina in 2015 as Scott Beebe began coaching real-time, in-the-trench, heroic small business owners to articulate and implement Vision Story, Mission, Values, Systems, and Processes that allowed these businesses to have real, predictable, transformation growth in both profit AND culture.

Since 2015, Scott and a small team of other talented small business coaches have been leading hundreds of heroic small business owners step-by-step through the Four Steps To Business Freedom across sectors and industries and literally around the world.

Virtually, the Business On Purpose Community began as a series of small group coaching virtual calls with multiple heroic small business owners.  Over time it became clear that heroic small business owners need the ENCOURAGEMENT, ACCOUNTABILITY, DISCOVERY, and HEALTHY PEER "PUSH" of other heroic small business owners in addition to a well-trained and empathetic coach.

Hundreds of heroic small business owners have implemented the Four Steps To Business Freedom as well as the additional coaching and training tools and templates that the Business On Purpose team is constantly building and installing in the real-life of heroic small business owners JUST LIKE YOU

What You Get When You Join The Business On Purpose Roadmap Member Community...

An Always-Growing Library Of World-Class Training Video Modules

These modules will walk you step by step through each critical element that you will need along the roadmap to punch chaos in the mouth and build a small business that matters.  We are adding new training, instruction, and tutorial videos each and every month.  You get access to ALL OF IT as a Roadmap Member.

Step-By-Step Installation Roadmap

It is easier for you as a business owner to lead your business by a roadmap instead of by the latest, biggest fire.  The Installation Roadmap will be your necessary turn-by-turn directions to building a business that makes time for what matters most.

Clarifying Implementation Roadmap

The impressive and dynamic Implementation Roadmap will give you clarity and focus like you have never had in your role as a business owner.  Clarity will be your new "normal".

Ready-To-Install Templates

Through thousands of hours of coaching heroic small business owners around the world, we have followed our own advice and documented the very best templates that we have custom built and installed with your peer business owners.  These are proven ready-to-install templates that will allow you to focus on the real work instead of trying to come up with something from scratch.

Engaged Community Of Peer Small Business Owners

Accountability, encouragement, direction, feedback, and insight will be available 24 hours a day through our engaging community of business owners who are learning, coaching, and growing at the same time.

24/7 Coaching

Coaching content is always on so you can access what you need at a time that is unique to you. 



50% Complete

Two Step

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