$57.00 USD

Vision Bundle

Do you know where you're headed in your business? 

What about your personal life? 

Here's the thing - we listen to podcasts and we (try to) have meetings with our teams, but where is the implementation? Do we have the resources to answer the question, "What's the next right thing to do?" 

What Vision Story does is:

  • Gives you clarity on the direction of your business
  • Helps you think through what you want personally and how your business needs to function to get you there 
  • Gives you insight into things like your: ideal client, personnel needs, and the culture you want for your business 

Take the clarity you receive from Vision Story and now apply that to your family. 

Re-read the highlights above and replace "business" with "family". 

  • Gives you clarity on the direction of your family
  • Helps you think through what you want personally and how your family needs to communicate and plan to get you there, together
  • Gives you insight into things like how your family thinks through issues, the personal needs of each member, and the culture you want for your family.  


To round it all out, we're offering our audiobook version of Let Your Business Burn, for free! This book walks you through the BOP Roadmap and what we coach here at Business On Purpose. Use the knowledge and templates mentioned in the book to create your own Roadmap for your business, based on your Vision Story!